Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Best American Erotica 2006

Here it is: The Best American Erotica 2006.

I received my copy a few days ago, and skipped with happiness all the way back from the mailbox. I was pleasantly surprised to recognize the first story, "Coyote Woman Discovers Email" by Gaea Yurdon, as one originally published on Clean Sheets. So was "Granny Pearls" by Salome Wilde. That one has been on my favorites list since the day I first read it--and I now have a new, strangely erotic respect for everyday inanimate objects.

I'm taking my time and giving each of these stories the attention they deserve. I laughed out loud at "Full House" by David Sedaris. John Updike is always a delight. Steve Almond's "The Nasty Kind Always Are" shook me up, and "Beatings R Me" by Mr. Sleep gave me more to think about than I really wanted.

Isn't that what good erotica is all about? Shaking us up, cutting close to the bone, making us find a bit more of ourselves? Nothing gets to the core of us faster than by taking a ride via the libido rollercoaster. Every story in this collection leaves an aftertaste. Some are bitter and some are sweet, but the point is: The story lingers. That's what matters.

What delights! Read it as soon as you can get your hands on it, and then come back here to tell me which story delighted you the most.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just came across your post. How absolutely lovely to know you liked my story, "Granny Pearls." I thoroughly enjoyed writing it and it means a great deal to me that you enjoyed it so much. Cheers to you. -Salome Wilde