Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Brace Yourself -- It's the Blind Date

Invariably, the blind date turns out badly from the beginning. Your date is late. Or he shows up on time, but is ten inches shorter than you – and you're wearing flats. He actually does wear a pocket protector. Or he's covered with tattoos, which wouldn't be too bad, but all the ink on this guy was used on naked pinup girls. He's got serious social anxiety and asks you to let him sit facing the door – just in case. Perhaps he goes on and on about how much he still loves his ex-wife. Or maybe his womanizing reputation leads to snarky glances from every woman in the restaurant. Then there are the ones you will never, ever forget.

My latest Learning Curve column is up at For the Girls! This time I take on that dreaded rite of passage for every single person who ever dove into the dating pool -- The Blind Date.


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